I am a Christian and a conservative Republican, originally from West Tennessee but now I live in Middle Tennessee. I'm not a political junkie or fanatic, but I am concerned about the future of our nation and who will lead for the next four years.
With the presidential campaign heating up, I often find myself talking back to the television and radio, especially when it comes to the overtly biased liberal slant in the media. Their adoration for Barrack Obama is obvious and they do very little to disguise it (yes, I mean you, CNN, NBC and MSNBC). Those who think it's just not so are delusional and blind; it's in their tone, their body language, and their line of questioning.

Instead of losing my sanity by talking to the TV and radio, I thought I would share my thoughts here. I'll do my best to keep the content fresh and relevant, but like everyone else I have to work for a living to support my family. Thank you for stopping by. And pick up an RC and a Moon Pie on your way out!
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