Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Left Coast Liberal Visits Wasilla

Steve Lopez with the Los Angeles Times decided to trek up north from his cozy liberal base in California to Alaska for a condescending, nose-in-the-air travelogue to introduce his readers to Wasilla, hometown of Sarah Palin. A reader knows exactly what kind of treatment this journey will receive just from the photo caption without getting to the column itself:

"Fast-food joints, a gun store and strip malls -- they call this 'downtown'? Wasilla's sprawling, poorly planned developments are almost as scary as its former mayor's doctrine of Palin-tology."

Ah, we have a clever play on words from the esteemed Mr. Lopez: "Palin-tology." How original.

The accompanying video couldn't be better if an Obama operative had put it together. Lopez marvels at the snow capped mountain ranges on the way and expects to see "something magnificant, a quaint little mountain village" when he arrives in Wasilla. A moose crosses the road a few cars ahead of him. "Maybe it was a sign that I wasn't welcome in Palin country and should go back home to California," he writes. Yup, that's what it was, Stevie. Moose don't like Left Coast Libs.

Lopez drives through Wasilla and tries to find downtown. When he stops and asks where Main Street is, a resident points to the road in front of him. Obviously, he is disappointed at how Wasilla is laid out. "I expected better, Sarah. I really did," he smugly writes. He makes fun of the citizens he interviews, except for one person he found that writes a blog against her. When he criticizes the town's layout and a local businesswoman agrees, he adds: "You know, what you need maybe is a couple of good community organizers."

"All I've seen are strip malls, big box stores, chain restaurants, and gigantic churches," he says on the video. "I guess that's it. That's Wasilla."

Lopez's conclusion about his trip sounds like an Obama ad: "Here's what you need to ask yourself: Do you really want someone in the White House who's been responsible for worse urban planning than we have in Los Angeles? Think about it." But have you ever seen Chicago, Mr. Lopez?

The good citizens of Wasilla are dealing with this kind of "investigative journalism" crap from the liberal media who prowl about town looking for anything to pick apart or negative to say about Gov. Palin and Wasilla. I hope the Times got their money's worth from the trip.

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