Monday, September 15, 2008

One More Reason to Support McCain/Palin

Here's another reason to support John McCain and Sarah Palin:

Susan Sarandon suggests that she may move to Italy or Canada if Obama doesn't win. Of course liberals are famous for such bold but empty declarations; we're still waiting for Alec Baldwin and Barbara Streisand to fulfill their promises eight years later.

(It looks like Alec's brother Stephen Baldwin has made a similar declaration if Obama wins. What's the point? Would anyone want to hinge their fate on the result of a presidential election? If your pick loses, it makes you look ridiculous--see Baldwin, Alec and Streisand, Barbara--if you don't keep your promise.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My husband, retired Marine of 21 years, and I totally support McCain/Palin. McCain can be our only true Commander in Chief. Obama hasn't a clue!!!