I saw this video posted on Red State and couldn't believe the audacity of Steve Cohen, the liberal representative from Tennessee' s Ninth Congressional District campaigning for Barrack Obama on the floor of the House of Representatives this morning. He blatantly reduces our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to a "community organizer" on par with the Liberal Messiah just to score points with the Democratic Party.
Thus sayteth Stephen:
"I submit to you, Mr. Speaker, um, that the parties have differences, but if you want change, but if you want change, you want the Democratic party, uh, Barack Obama was a community organizer like Jesus who our, uh, minister prayed about, uh, Pontius Pilate was a governor."
Let me try to follow your misguided logic, Rep. Cohen: Because Pontius Pilate--the Roman authority in Jerusalem who essentially signed Jesus' death warrant--happened to be a governor, anyone who serves as a governor is a bad person? Pray tell, does this logic apply to the current Democratic governor of Tennessee, Phil Bredesen? Or is it just Republican governors, or could it be the one who happens to be running for vice-president of the United States? Obviously this was a bumbling attempt by Cohen to imitate a bumper sticker and be cute on the taxpayer's dime.
Here's the video. (Check out his hair!)
Well Memphis, this is what you get when you send "Ira" to Washington. (Here's the Commercial Appeal's report about it.)
UPDATE: Here's the Tennessee Republican Party's response to Cohen's comments and FoxNews reports on it. A blogger from the Nashville Post (and apparently a Cohen defender) prefers to deflect from the issue by asking:
Did Steve Cohen really compare Sarah Palin to the “killer” of Christ? Is that an accurate way to describe Pilate’s role in the death of Christ? Were there any others responsible? Could it be said that it was humanity at large who was responsible for Christ’s death?
Good grief. What a Clintonesque response.
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