So what's he doing all over the rest of the country--and not campaigning in the state he represents? Oh, yes: he's running as the experienced half of the Obama ticket.
Obviously Biden is not worried about losing his Senate seat. All he has to do is make sure his name is on all the ballots in Delaware come November 4. He can be on the Left Coast shaking hands and kissing babies while running for vice-president without losing any sleep over it. It's safe and secure, thanks to the hypnotized electorate.
(Biden does have a challenger, Republican Christine O'Donnell, a former journalist and political commentator.)
Delaware Democrats don't seem to worry much about Republican challengers in their elections. It's sad that a state is so one-sided that its voters--without question--pick the candidate who has a (D) beside his name. (There are counties like that in Tennessee, particularly the one where I live.) Biden has held the seat since 1972--thirty-six years! It's equavilent to a mini monarchy. A very good argument for term limits, I think.
It always amazes me when someone in power takes for granted his political office and that it will be there when--and if--he ever needs it. Wouldn't we all like that kind of job security? If this whole Obama/Biden thing doesn't work out, Biden can go back to his day job in the Senate and not miss a beat. So can Obama, and yes, even John McCain.
(Side note: All four candidates already hold elected office, so one wonders who's minding the store while they're gone? The rallies, speeches, press conferences, and interviews on the campaign trail must zap one's energy; does it leave any time to actually legistlate or govern in their off-time?)
But McCain, Palin, and Obama aren't running for re-election at the same time; Biden is. Has he even bothered to campaign in his home state since he accepted the Democratic vice-presidential nomination? I can't say for sure, but after searching state newspapers, I've not seen anything to suggest he has.
People of Delaware, is this really the kind of person you want representing your interests? Is he really committed to the job, or just taking for granted that you will re-elect him for the sixth time? It would be wonderful if voters there would show Joe Biden whose office it really is. But I won't hold my breath--or leave the country.
You misspelled "gaffe" as "gaff" in the first sentence. After seeing that I was too busy laughing to read anymore of this garbage.
BTW, if John McCain has served in Congress 26 years, is it time for him to go as well? Or do "mini monarchy equivalents" suit you just fine if its got the letter "R" next to its name?
What an intelligent and thought-provoking response. Thank you for pointing out the misspelled word. I'll be sure to fix it.
Sure, McCain has probably been in the Senate for too long. But Biden has been there 10 years longer than him, so he's definitely been in too long.
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