Monday, September 22, 2008

Getting Around the 22nd Amendment? Please.

A liberal will grasp at anything to try and make a point and this post is a perfect example. The title is: "How Bush and Cheney Are Getting Around the 22nd Amendment."

The 22nd Amendment states that "[n]o person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once." This amendment was introduced to set down in writing what had been a tradition since George Washington that presidents should serve only two terms. Of course it was a Democrat, Franklin D. Roosevelt, who broke the precedent and necessitated an actual constitutional amendment to prevent it from ever happening again. America didn't need a monarchy, much less a Democratic one.

Blogger Sharon Cobb contends that the Bush administration has "been masterful at shredding the United States Constitution" and President Bush is "now getting around the 22nd amendment" to continue his masterful shredding of our nation's sacred document. So how will he do it, you ask?

Why, with a John McCain and Sarah Palin administration of course! What an original concept. What an ingenious scheme! A dastardly plot that will no doubt circumvent the 22nd Amendment and destroy the nation's moral fabric already frayed by Bill Clinton and Company. It's foolproof!

Except the Democrats already tried it. Don't you remember Al Bore's failed run for the presidency eight years ago? Wasn't that just the Democrat's attempt at a third Clinton administration? Or even worse, in 1980, Jimmy Carter tried for a second Carter administration! Now that would have been a disaster for our country.

With her premise explained (I suppose), the rest of Ms. Cobb's argument disintegrates into an attack on Sarah Palin ("McCain/Palin aren't even in office, and yet Palin is already acting just like Cheney...Palin is already above the law!") because she and her husband Todd won't cooperate with what has become a partisan Democratic witch hunt in Alaska over the so-called "Troopergate."

It's the post's conclusion that reveals, unfortunately, the real reason for her argument. It boils down to the fact that Ms. Cobb has transferred her anger at being subpoenaed in her own divorce case to what the Palins are experiencing with the so-called Troopergate. The inquiry has been transformed by Alaska state senator Hollis French from a bi-partisan investigation into a political vendetta with Hollis promising an "October surprise" before it even began. I'm sincerely sorry about Ms. Cobb's divorce, but to use it as motivation for a political attack is weak at best.

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