Thursday, October 2, 2008

Sarah Palin Bounces Back

After two weeks of brutal negative media coverage and a lack of confidence among some conservatives, Gov. Sarah Palin did an outstanding job tonight in the vice-presidential debate with Sen. Joe Biden. Admittedly, I was apprehensive leading up to the debate, worried that she might stumble or stutter her words, show indecisiveness, or simply be in over her head.

But Gov. Palin held her own tonight, displaying the self-confident and determined personality that won over conservative support for her at the Republican National Convention. By comparison, Sen. Joe Biden was rather stoic and unexciting in his style. He kept up a barrage of statistics and percentages that I think confuses and bores people more than it educates them. There were no serious gaffes made by either candidate.

Gov. Palin's performance renewed my confidence in her ability to be a capable running mate and potential vice-president of the United States. It was certainly more memorable and impressionable than Joe Biden's. She talked directly to the American people and yes, she even looked at her opponent when she addressed him. I think the "maverick" line she attributes to Sen. John McCain wears thin over time and Biden eventually used it to his advantage. That would be my only criticism of her overall performance during the debate.

I believe people will be talking tomorrow more about how Sarah Palin did than how Biden did.

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