Thursday, October 23, 2008

Liberals Are Cracking Under the Pressure

This election is really getting to the liberals. The pressure is just too much for their pitiful brains to handle. They can't eat, they can't sleep, they can't function. It's hilarious!

The Liberal Messiah may be up in the polls but it's not enough to calm their fears. They've been through this before, you know. Eight long, painful years in the wilderness, separated from the Promised Land of presidential power and influence with only the memories of past failures to keep them going.

They are consumed by what will happen. What if McCain wins? What will I do? Should I get my passport and skip the country? What would Alec Baldwin say?

On a normal day, Sharon Cobb is entertaining to read. Not because she has anything intelligent to add to the political conversation. Bless her heart, she posts some ridiculous rants filled with venom but nothing to back it up. Now she's cracking under the pressure. It's really getting to her. She writes:

I'm friggin crumbling. My nighttime enjoyment reading has been replaced with Newsweek, Time and late night phone calls to friends equally obsessed with this election.

Upon rising, when I look at the clock and it says "6:30," I have to figure out if that's AM or PM. Once I figure out if I'm watching Good Morning America or the evening news, I turn on the television before pouring a cup of herbal tea, which has now been replaced with high octane coffee.

I think it's a real tossup to see which one of my friends and/or I crack before November 4.

So, anyone else a little stressed out over this election?

Fellow liberal blogger Larry David is also coming undone:

I just don't like what I've turned into -- and frankly I wasn't that crazy about me even before the turn. This election is having the same effect on me as marijuana. All of my worst qualities have been exacerbated. I'm paranoid, obsessive, nervous, and totally mental. It's one long, intense, bad trip. I need to come down. Soon.

It's funny but sad at the same time. Sad that political junkie liberals have nothing else in their lives to focus on than this election. Their moods are dictated by what's happening on the campaign trail: Is Obama having a good day? Did Biden say something stupid? What's Sarah Palin said today that will cause me to loathe her even more than I already do? I believe these people actually believe Obama is their Messiah.

Do these people have families? Do these people have actual lives?

One of the side effects of liberalism must be obsession. These people really need psychiatric help. The election is consuming them beyond reason. When you go to a doctor and the first answer that comes to mind when asked if you feel threatened or if anyone is harming you is "Bush/Cheney"--as Sarah Cobb admits to doing--something's wrong. If you honestly believe the president and vice-president of the United States are out to get you, it's time for a one-way trip to a padded cell.

God forbid if Senator Government actually wins this election, I won't throw in the towel and say, "I'm outta this country." Because I have a life, I have a family, I have interests outside of who is president of the United States. I won't like it, but (hopefully) it won't be the end of the world.

The eight years that Bill Clinton was in office were trying times for our country. His behavior was humiliating for our nation and he tarnished the presidency. But I lived through it, went on with my life, and wasn't consumed by it. And after eight years, he was gone never to return.

The scary part is these mindless Obama zombies fueled on nothing but caffeine, cigarettes, and pure hatred for anyone or anything Republican are out there in our towns and cities, maybe even our neighborhoods. Obviously they're unstable. Maybe we need the police out in force before Election Day rather than on it.

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