Tuesday, November 4, 2008

It's Election Day

It's Election Day at last!

For the bleeding heart liberals who have wrapped their lives around their Messiah's campaign, it will be a gut-twisting day and evening. Will Hope and Change and all those feel-good phrases they love to spout finally come true? Will their eight years in the wilderness under the oppression of President Bush finally be over?

For the sake of our country, let's all Hope not.

The Hope liberals cling to is total, unchallenged control over the government with Obama, Pelosi, and Reid at the helm to force through their liberal and socialist agendas under the guise of helping the lower and middle classes.

The Change they seek is to, pure and simple, socialism. Call it what it is. Obama wants to bring his radical socialist ideals and use our democratic government as his kiddie science lab. He wants to experiment with all kinds of policies to excessively tax and punish the big, bad corporations that employ thousands and thousands of workers and give the money to those individuals who don't even pay taxes. He even wants to bankrupt the coal industry in America!

Under the conditions that our economy is now experiencing, it's not the time to allow the liberal Democrats free rein in our government. It's not the time to dabble in socialism. It's not the time for inexperience.

American voters cannot allow Obama to be elected. Please vote for John McCain.

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