Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Taking a Break
The one redeeming outcome of the election was the new Republican majorities in both houses of the Tennessee General Assembly. It will be glorious fun to see Democrat boss Jimmy Naifeh relegated to a common representative's seat on the House floor rather than the lofty pedestal he has occupied the past 17 years. I'm sure he won't find the view quite as nice as he enjoyed before.
With the holidays coming up, I'll be taking a respite from politics for a little while. I'll be working on other writing projects that I've put aside during the campaigns. But when I start getting angry at the politicians and talking back to the radio and television again, I'll be back to vent a little frustration at the left-wing wackos and Obamaniacs making news.
Take care, and remember not to take it all so seriously. :)
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Chris Matthews Will "Do Everything" To Help Obama
When Joe pressed him further, Matthews said: "Yes, that's my job. My job is to help this country."
I'm sure this sentiment is shared by all his colleagues in the Liberal Media (such as Keith Olbermann, Katie Couric, Andrea Mitchell, etc.). As it was during the campaign, their job will be to make Obama look good and be his unpaid PR department. They consider it their patriotic duty to build him up and do nothing than casts bad light upon their Messiah.
That's mainstream journalism in America today, folks.
Good Feelings Gone For Some Obama Campaign Workers
Obama campaign workers are up in arms about not being paid for their loyalty to the Liberal Messiah. In a final Election Day push, the campaign hired 375 people to work three-hour shifts. Yesterday they showed up at campaign headquarters expecting to be rewarded not with an historic presidential victory but with pre-paid Visa cards.
"I want my money today!" one agitated worker exclaimed. "It's my money! I want it now!"
A long wait and slow-moving line tested their patience. Because of the size of the crowd, police were called to keep things orderly. Eventually they received their cards, but many complained they were not credited for enough hours worked and they didn't like the hassle of having to file claim forms.
Imagine what they'll do when they find out they won't have their gasoline or mortgage payments paid for either.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Tennessee "A Deeper Shade of Red"
From the state GOP:
Tennessee turned a deeper shade of red Tuesday as Republican victories in state legislative races increased the party’s majority in the state Senate and gave Republicans a majority in the state House for the first time since 1968.For the first time since Reconstruction, Republicans hold a majority in both houses of the Tennessee General Assembly.
“The election of a Republican majority in the General Assembly is historic in its own right, and even more so given the strong Democratic tide across much of the country,” said Robin Smith, Chairman of the Tennessee Republican Party. “Our victories send a national message that Republican values still resonate with mainstream America. The power of a consistent conservative Republican message - low taxes, small government and respect for life - once again demonstrated its power to attract a majority.”
Republicans held a majority in the state House for two years after the 1968 election, but had not held a majority in the state Senate since Reconstruction until the 2006 election.
“We are indebted to our great volunteers across Tennessee and to the people of Tennessee for this historic achievement,” Smith said.
So long, Jimmy Naifeh! So sorry, Jim Kyle! Your stolen election doesn't mean a thing, Tim Barnes!
The Charlatan Has Fooled Them All
The charlatan has convinced the majority of the American electorate that he is the Hope and the Change that they want. They've allowed themselves to be duped, just like they did with Bill Clinton in 1992. You know: the womanizing adulterer, the last Democrat you trusted? Oh, be careful what you wish for.
We'll get a full dose of liberalism with sprinkles of socialism over the next four years. There will be at least two years of Democrat domination in both houses of Congress, during which Pelosi and Reid will try and pass every liberal law and regulation their leftist souls desire. Our military will be crippled through inadequate funding and ashamed of its weak commander-in-chief.
One thing is for sure: Democrats can't use the Republicans as their punching bags anymore. They can't blame them for driving our nation into a recession--or worse--with their socialistic agenda, not when they're no longer in control of the government. President Bush can't be their fall guy anymore.
There will come a time, whether it's two or four years from now, when the same moderate and independent voters will realize they made a terrible mistake in trusting an inexperienced liberal like Obama. They'll be searching for change again--change back to the political right.
But the Republican Party must be ready when it happens. Its supporters will need to take a long, hard look at what direction the party needs to go. Trying to appease everyone obviously didn't work. We must stand for something or risk another defeat in four more years. It needs to reinvigortate its grassroots base, recruit young and enthusiastic candidates, and give American a clear choice over the liberalism of an Obama presidency.
Don't Allow the Stolen Election to Stand!
It comes down to what's right and what's wrong.
- Is it right for a political party, after deciding to allow the voters to select their nominee, to change the result simply because they don't like who was elected?
- Is it right that taxpayers should fund an election that a political party has the power to overturn?
I argue that it is wrong what the Tennessee Democrat Party did to Senator Kurita and the voters of Montgomery, Cheatham, and Houston counties should not tolerate it. If they do it once and get away with it, what is to stop them--or any political party--from doing it again?
The party will argue that they had the right to overturn the primary election citing hearsay voting irregularities that allegedly occurred at polling places. And according to state law, they do have the authority to do it. But it doesn't make it right what they did. The law should be amended that if parties take such action in future primaries, the party should refund the costs of the election to the affected counties. Otherwise why have a taxpayer-funded election in the first place? Nominate candidates in a smoke-filled room they way they used to if the party is unwilling to abide by the will of the voters.
Through moral and ethical eyes, the Tennessee Democrat Party did indeed steal the election that had been won by Senator Kurita, which makes Tim Barnes a very willing accomplice by accepting the nomination in this fashion. "I reject the word 'stolen,'" he recently remarked. But it is what it is, and voters should not stand for the injustice.
Democrats and Republicans should agree that it wasn't right in a democratic election. Please take the extra time to write in KURITA on your ballot.
It's Election Day
For the bleeding heart liberals who have wrapped their lives around their Messiah's campaign, it will be a gut-twisting day and evening. Will Hope and Change and all those feel-good phrases they love to spout finally come true? Will their eight years in the wilderness under the oppression of President Bush finally be over?
For the sake of our country, let's all Hope not.
The Hope liberals cling to is total, unchallenged control over the government with Obama, Pelosi, and Reid at the helm to force through their liberal and socialist agendas under the guise of helping the lower and middle classes.
The Change they seek is to, pure and simple, socialism. Call it what it is. Obama wants to bring his radical socialist ideals and use our democratic government as his kiddie science lab. He wants to experiment with all kinds of policies to excessively tax and punish the big, bad corporations that employ thousands and thousands of workers and give the money to those individuals who don't even pay taxes. He even wants to bankrupt the coal industry in America!
Under the conditions that our economy is now experiencing, it's not the time to allow the liberal Democrats free rein in our government. It's not the time to dabble in socialism. It's not the time for inexperience.
American voters cannot allow Obama to be elected. Please vote for John McCain.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Something to Consider for Undecided Voters
Both houses of Congress are already under control of the Democrat Party....

And Harry Reid as Majority Leader in the Senate.

If Obama is elected, there will be no one to check or restrain the socialist ideals that he holds, including wealth distribution that will take from those who work and give to those who don't. The Democrat-controlled Congress will be a rubber stamp for his liberal agenda.
There will be change in Washington, but it won't be the kind of change our nation needs. It will be a change from right-center to far left in political philosophy. It will mean increased taxes from our paychecks to build and sustain his socialist policies.

If we must have a Democrat-controlled Congress, we should have a Republican in the White House. Don't let the unchecked left-wing liberals control our government.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
No TDP Press Release Sunday
Surely there will be something tomorrow; the streak can't last this long. Can it?