I applaud Mr. Tanner for his wise decision not to seek reelection--although it was ten years too late. I believe strongly in term limits and his stranglehold on the seat is the reason why they are needed.
"Whether things were done that were perhaps less gracious than should have been, it is not going to be what President Bush focuses on, nor will it be what his staff focuses on. Whatever may have been done, we are going to just put our heads down and look ahead,'' he said.
"Hopefully we're entering a new bipartisan era. But it's up to the Republicans -- who ought to be happy because they have a Republican speaker -- to decide whether they're going to be petty or not." -- Rep. Henry Fincher (D-Cookeville)
Clearly, Democrats pulled a fast one on the unsuspecting GOP majority. But while they may have gotten what they wanted in the short term - someone of their choice as speaker and favorable committee assignments - they likely have hurt themselves in the long run.
By sabotaging Republican plans, they have destroyed the already tenuous trust that existed between the parties. How does that help them when they have a legislative issue they care about and need Republican help to advance? It doesn't. How does it help manage the serious financial problems facing the state that need bipartisan cooperation? It doesn't.
Because of the arrogance of House Democrats, the chamber will be in gridlock and nothing significant will be accomplished for the next two years. Until Republicans can gain a significant majority in 2010, the people of Tennessee will continue to be susceptible to these back room deals because Democrats will do absolutely anything to stay in power. After 140 years, it is time for this kind of politics to end.
Q: When did the Democrats first approach you about this?
Williams: The Democrats didn't approach me. I approached them.
Q: And what did you say?
Williams: I told them I'd like to be speaker of the House. It was maybe a couple of days ago, I don't know.
Q: What did the Democrats say to you? OK?
Williams: Evidently.
Mr. Williams,I am not a constituent in your district, but I am a state taxpayer, a voter, and a supporter of the Republican Party.
For the first time since the end of Reconstruction, there is a Republican majority in the House. At least there WAS one before today's session. As a member of the House Republican caucus, you signed a document committing yourself to vote for a Republican candidate for speaker and speaker pro tempore. You were quoted in the Chattanoogan on November 7, 2008 as saying: “I want to state today, unequivocally, that I pledge to vote for a Republican for Speaker of the House. I have every reason to expect that the Republican nominee will be Leader Jason Mumpower. We are grateful that the people of Tennessee have given us the opportunity to lead. We will make them proud.”
Instead of making your constituents proud, you have deceived them. You have done the same to your Republican colleagues. You have made some sort of back room deal with Democrat representatives to gain their trust and their votes to make yourself speaker. While "technically" you may have voted for a Republican for speaker (yourself), you unequivocally broke your signed pledge by voting for a Democrat for Speaker Pro Tempore.
Politics of deception, Mr. Williams, is NOT the kind of so-called "change" we need in the General Assembly. Your action today is no shining example of how a public servant and an elected official should conduct himself or serve those who elected him.
Polite but truthful, I think.
"I'm a Republican but not for much longer because you guys are going to kick me out, probably."
“I want to state today, unequivocally, that I pledge to vote for a Republican for Speaker of the House. I have every reason to expect that the Republican nominee will be Leader Jason Mumpower. We are grateful that the people of Tennessee have given us the opportunity to lead. We will make them proud.”